

Brutal Honesty Hour

Oh hey. If there's one thing that hasn't changed it's the fact that I still don't sleep at night. So, why not do a random blog post that no one will ever read. Found this fun little list on Pinterest and thought it might be fun... Here we go!

A - If I'm in love

In love? no. Do I care about someone an extreme amount and probably someone who I will never be IN love with? yes.

B - Who the last person I talked to on the phone

Hadlie. My BFF since 3rd grade. We keep each other semi-sane.

C - How long it's been since I've kissed somebody

Middle of November.

D - If I have a preference for boys or girls

Not sure what they mean by this one. Relationships? Only guys. Other aspects of life? I like having a nephew and I like having nieces. I like having both guy friends and girl friends. I guess I feel like we all bring a lot of different things to the table and it makes life fun.

E - How many piercings I have

Just one in each ear. Although I have been wanting more. 😬 I mean, how cute is this?

I would never get that many cause I couldn't pull it off, but I think it's cute. Also, with me being SUPER allergic to metal, the chances of me ever getting more piercings is highly unlikely. And I'm a baby and scared it would hurt like hell.

F - hot or cold

I guess in general I would say cold. I don't like hot drinks, I prefer cold weather (hello sweaters!), and I like sleeping in a cold room.

G - the last person I said 'I love you' to

I think my mom.

H - The last person I hugged

I think also my mom.

I - The last time I felt jealous and why

Probably tonight while scrolling through Insta. Fashion bloggers, am I right?! ... perfect body, perfect hair, perfect makeup, perfect job, perfect wardrobe, perfect hubby, perfect life, never a problem in the world. Okay, so that's probably not true, but I give them credit for really keeping their Instagrams lookin fabulous... and totally unbelievable.

J - Are you insecure

Haha... see above answer. YES, so much. It's one of my biggest flaws.

K - What my full name is

Kylie Gwen Maxfield

L - If I have siblings

Yes, one older sister and one older brother.

M - If I forgive betrayal

Oooof. I guess it depends on the situation.

N - Favorite animal

I don't think I have one. I'm honestly not much of an animal person.

O - Where would I like to travel

I really want to go back to the Baltic Sea area. That or Disneyland, let's be real.

P - What kind of music I like

I guess I would say the top charts stuff. Pop. Shocker... I love T-Swift and Ed Sheeran. I also love Parachute. Like a lot. One Republic, Train, Coldplay, Five for Fighting. I just love music in general. If I had to pick between music and tv, I'd pick music.

Q - Favorite flower

I'm not really a flower person. But I guess I'd have to say the classic red roses are always fun to get.

R - Is cheating ever okay


S - 2 habits

I bite my nails or I guess I should say cuticles 😫😩😩 and I crack my neck

T - 3 things I love unconditionally

My family, Bear Lake, Sports

U - Favorite time of year and why

I'm torn. Winter - because of the cute clothes. I'm a sucker for sweaters and boots. Summer - because boating, duh! and Fall - because there's so many fun activities to do, the leaves are beautiful, and again... cute clothes!

V - Big dreams

Biggest is to have my own family - a hubby and kids. And let's be real. At this point that is a BIG dream 😂 I also would love to travel more and have an actual career that I love and am successful in.

W - If I've done something I regret very much


X - 3 turn ons

Sense of humor, dresses nicely, not afraid to have fun and be goofy

Y - 3 turn offs

Never says thank you, not able to hold a conversation, immaturity

Z - What excites you

Excitement... jk (thanks Arie!... anyone watch The Bachelor?) I'd say hanging out with friends, my nieces and nephew, any sort of trip - big or small

Well, I don't think that was exactly BRUTAL. Those were pretty basic. But it's a fun little reintroduction to who I am today. Ya know. Since I haven't been around here since Pluto was actually considered a planet. Okay, so it hasn't been THAT long. But still. It's been a while. A long long while.

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