Utah is a very interesting place. The longer I live here the more I realize this. It's kind of its own world in a way. A really quirky, interesting, somewhat messed up world. Yet I have no intention of leaving anytime soon.
So with that said… you know you're in Utah when. . .
there is a radio commercial urging you to "find your eternal companion" with a certain dating website
to the car next to you, your turn signal means you want to race
having 13 stick figures plastered to the back of your car is the norm
the only pro sports team you have is absolutely horrible and everybody still loves them anyways (cough Jazz cough cough)
you use your heat seaters, heater, and AC all in one day
you pronounce
Tooele as two-ill-uh
Hooper as huh-pur
Weber as wee-bur
Oquirrh as oh-kur
it snows during spring break
red and blue aren't just colors
people wear shorts and flip flops as soon as it's over 40 degrees
freshman guys in college are all 21
the 24th of July is a bigger deal than the 4th
you know what fry sauce is and what it's made of
the "Holy War" is bigger than the super bowl
you know the difference between a "steak house" and a "stake house"
U and Y are not just letters
your first child was conceived on your honey moon
schools stay open even with 2 feet of fresh snow
going on vacation means going anywhere outside of Salt Lake City
people get engaged after dating for less than 2 months
you understand any of the things mentioned above
Bahahaha! This post is so dead on. Utah is a unique place, that's for sure!