K- Kind
E- Entertaining
N- Nonjudgemental
N- Not afraid
E- Efficient
T- Trustworthy
H- Honest
T- True to her word
R- Responsible
A- Always there
C- Caring
Y- mommY
A- Adventurous
M- Motivated
A- Accountable
N- seNsitive
D- Dreamer
A- Amazing
G- Go-Getter
A- Ambitious
R- Real
R- geneRous
E- Eager
T- True Friend
T- Tough
E- Energetic
R- fRiendly
I- Interesting
K- Kooky
H- Happy
U- Upbeat
N- coNfident
T- Thoughtful
E- Eager
R- Runner
M- Mini- Me
C- Cute
K- Kind
I- Informative
N- fuNny
L- Laughs
E- Enthusiastic
Y- Young
M- charMing
A- Adorable
D- Delightful
E- Easy Going
L- Little
Y- babY
N- New
N- Naive
My family means the world to me! I don't know what I would do without them. Each day I realize how much I love them and how much they make me smile. They are the ones who are always there for me, they are the ones who cheer me up, they are the ones that make me who I am. I am the luckiest girl in the world to have the family that I do. I love them more than any silly old blog post could ever show.
I Love you so much! You are truly amazing!!! Our family would be sooooo boring without you!